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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Polzin

I wrote a book.

It's been a few years in the making and has taken too long to wrap up (sadly, much like my dissertation), but it is in the final stages of completion. Perhaps you recall my first blog post where I shared a bit about 'my dream.' My dream, for about the past 4 years, has been to write a children's book to bring to life the doctrine of vocation.

You may be asking: what is the doctrine of vocation and why would you write a children's book about it?

I know, sounds kind of boring.

I've begun to touch on this topic in my previous posts as I've come to an understanding of how God works in us and through us. Perhaps, as a Christian, you've questioned the purpose of the mundane tasks in life. Or, you've thought about how you share Christ with others in your actions.

The doctrine of vocation gives us freedom to serve our neighbor in our ordinary life and routines. While still young, children have vocations as well. Children have neighbors to whom they are called to serve, such as mom or dad, a sibling, their teacher, classmates, bus driver...

In an effort to help my kids learn that their actions, lives, and service have purpose NOW, I sought out stories to help translate how God is using them, even as children, in service to others. From this desire, the idea of writing a children's book came to life.

God Works Through all You Do! will be available in early 2023 for you to use with children as well. Because I simply can't wait, here's a sneak peek at some illustration in the works.

Illustration is by Kristen Schueffner who is a Concordia University Wisconsin graduate! Her talent was most recently recognized when awarded the opportunity to design and paint a mural displayed at the Milwaukee Domes in 2021.

Through rhyming and relatable situations, my hope and prayer is that this book will aid parents, pastors, teachers, aunts, uncles, godparents, etc., in teaching the faith to the children in their lives.

More updates to come regarding the book release and how to purchase it.

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