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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Polzin

The World Needs My Dream?

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

Day-to-day life in the Polzin household is busy. School for the kids, work for my husband and I, church activities, kids' activities, etc.. By the time we all arrive home at night, we're exhausted (well, the kids seem to have endless energy). This is just the rhythm of life right now. It feels busy all. the. time. Perhaps you can relate?

You can see why I nearly laughed out loud when, in 2019, someone asked me whether or not I had a 'dream' that I may want to explore.

A dream? Who has time for a dream? I'm a full-time employee, mom, wife, errand-runner, appointment-maker, grocery-shopper, laundry-sorter, etc., but I'm not a dreamer. I can't possibly have time to think of anything beyond that which must get done...

Sadly, or perhaps realistically (I mean, come 'on, I have young kiddos), that's how I've often thought about opportunities that fall outside of my roles as a mom, wife, and worker. 'Dreaming' hasn't been in my vocabulary for some time. Again, tell me I'm not the only one here?!

It really wasn't until an occasion to explore a 'dream' presented itself multiple times that I thought about whether or not I have desires to accomplish things that I possessed passion about, rather than obligation or necessity. Overall, my vocations are incredibly fulfilling, even if they're full of tasks I have to do.

Then I remembered. A while back, I had made some offhanded comment to my husband in passing (see, those serve a purpose sometimes) about something I wanted to do. It was nonchalant and somewhat brash of me to blurt it out. Unsurprisingly, it was met with his quick wit, "then do it." But, again, in my mind it was a bit of a silly comment and I didn't think seriously about it until asked about whether I had a dream to explore. I guess it qualified as a dream, even though it was a long shot.

Exploring a dream of mine wasn't something I did alone for all of the reasons above. It wasn't an overnight revelation for me personally, either. Recently, I visited with Jeff Meyer to share more about my dream (yep, turns out I had one). Tune in to listen to the Move Forward Anyway Podcast to hear about my dream and the journey to make it a reality.


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